Celebrating each step
I've always loved a reason to throw a party or make a toast. Now more than ever I'm celebrating milestones and happy moments. Radiation done = champagne! Jay surprised me with my very favorite champagne and we drank a toast with my parents to our future. Then jay and I went out to dinner at Silver Dollar and talked and laughed almost like life was just back to normal. (Only I was sitting on my coat and scarf because it hurts to sit down for very long). I will continue to lay low and let the radiation work for a couple weeks.
Hoping each day brings more comfort. I have a couple tests next week and meet with my oncologist on Thursday. We will finalize our plan for hormone treatment and move forward with attempts to keep my estrogen from going crazy. I have to wait a while for a scan to know if the cancer has spread anywhere else. That will stink... Waiting. But I'm going to fill the time with fun and laughter and just live in each moment. Thanks for the flowers, treats and messages to celebrate my last radiation. And thanks for all the prayers and constant encouragement. I'm so blessed. I got my drivers license renewed yesterday too. I'm sticking around for a long time!