Friend Friday
I was diagnosed with stage 4 metastatic breast cancer two weeks ago on Friday January 10th. It seems like 2 months ago. So much has changed in such a short period of time. That Friday an army of friends equipped with soups, salads, flowers, wine and hugs showed up at our house. (A couple came all the way from Alabama). Jay coaches practice for wills basketball team on Friday nights so he and the boys went on to practice knowing I was in the loving arms of friends. (And knowing the boys love basketball and needed the distraction.)
Each Friday evening since then I've been surrounded friends. Just sitting around, talking, laughing and sharing stories about our kids, lives and ideas. I love this. Last night I also received a big box of love from my Alabama girls filled with some of our favorites things from Birmingham and sweet notes of encouragement. When jay came home he had a huge basket for me that the Chenoweth basketball moms had put together- full of thoughtful gift cards, signs of hope and a card signed my all our third grade hoopsters.
I haven't felt like eating much but when my lifelong best friend from childhood sent my favorite homemade cookies- I hadn't tasted anything so delicious! I am not writing all this to brag. But to just share several examples of how amazingly women surround each other and hold each other up when they need it. Crisis has the ability to reconnect friends, re prioritize days and make special outings happen more often (like going out with friends on a couples lunch date to a nice restaurant on a Tuesday afternoon). Who does that? (We did and we are going to keep doing it!) I wish this never happened. I long for our precious life of just 2 weeks ago when I was a cancer survivor, runner, mother, social entrepreneur and so, so happy! But it has. And I hold right to the beauty it has revealed such as the joy of friendship. And I hold tight to the idea that I can fight this a long time... so I can hold up another friend when she needs it.