Gratitude changes everything

Some days are hard.  Really hard.  But even on these days there is the opportunity to find gratitude.  (Sometimes you have to look hard.)  This morning, my heart sunk as I scrolled social media and saw that several of my friends spent yesterday in treatment.   What moved me is that they didn't post about their toxic side effects, long waits or what they were missing out on.  They all posted about what they were thankful for-"caring nurses, warm coffee, oatmeal cookies, family by their side."  They acknowledged the simple fact that they have access to treatment as something to be grateful for.Approaching life with gratitude doesn't change your circumstances.It changes everything.I have terrible mouth sores.   7 cancer sores to be exact.  A painful reminder that I'm at the end of my 21 day chemo cycle.  I'm bummed that it hurts to eat as we prepare for Thanksgiving dinner.  (I mean, c'mon!)  But, I choose to focus on the sun shining & our friends like family that traveled from Michigan to spend time together.  I am grateful for time to rest and reflect and give thanks.  Gratitude doesn't make my mouth hurt less... but it changes my perspective.We all carry some kind of pain.  Sometimes it weighs us down and is hard to find the thankfulness.   But, we can't give up on gratitude.   That's when it has the greatest potential to change our lives.  "Gratitude turns what we have into enough." -AesopI'm grateful for each of you- who listen to my story, who support Hope Scarves and who help us change the way people experience cancer.   Each day is a gift... I hope your Thanksgiving is filled with joy and gratitude. And that you find a way to carry this intention with you.In that way, may our Thanksgiving be never ending.