I AM outrunning cancer

Friends & family,I sit in the sunshine today brimming with happiness.  Life is so joyful right now for Team Mac.  I am feeling great and we have had many happy moments over the past weeks. Will's first lacrosse goal.  Sharing McWane Science Center with Bennett (where I used to work in Alabama).  Will's first quail hunt.  Bennett's first soccer goal of the season. Family bike rides, family dinners with friends, building a chicken coop, March madness and datenights with my sweet husband.  Life is good.As life goes for someone living with Metastatic Breast Cancer, tomorrow I have my quarterly PET scan.  The anxiety of the scan is suffocating.  And, I am overwhelmed with anxiety as I think back to how happy and carefree we were as this cancer was unknowingly taking over my body last year.  I often feel like I don't want to let my guard down and be happy... But, I AM!Is it ironic this scan is on April Fools Day?  Hopefully cancer will be the fool and my scan will show stable disease and no progression.  That is our sincere hope and prayer.  I'd love to continue my dance with my new found friend NED (No Evidence of Disease).  We appreciate all your thoughts, prayers, intentions and good juju tomorrow morning.551af90e4db921336d06cde8Many ask how to support me as we live life to the fullest with Metastatic Breast Cancer.  Here is how - I am training for the Kentucky Derby Festival Marathon.  Running 13.1 miles on April 25th as part of our Hope Scarves' team Outrunning Cancer.  I would be honored for you to sponsor me in this run.   The money we raise will support women facing cancer through our efforts at Hope Scarves as well as Metastatic Breast Cancer Research.  I have run more races than I can count over the years, yet this one carries a significance like no other.  I am so happy to be able to run and empowered to know each step I take will be making a difference.  I would be honored to have your support as I outrun cancer.   Simply CLICK HERE to make a donation on my fundraising page.  Each donation - no matter how small or big is greatly appreciated.I will post the results of my PET scan when we know them tomorrow.  Then, hopefully I will go for a run.I AM outrunning cancer not to run away from it, but to run faster and stronger than it.  I don't know how long this race is, what the terrain involves or what obstacles lie in my path. But, I will run strong and brave and hopeful!  And hopefully someday we will run right into a cure.Thank you for your support tomorrow morning as I face this scan.  And thank you for considering sponsoring me as I outrun cancer and live life to the fullest one mile and day at a time.life is good.Lara