Live in the light
*The feelings expressed below are those of an individual - Lara MacGregor. Hope Scarves is not a political organization and does not have an affiliation to a political party. These words are not intended to represent the organization as a whole.*9 years ago today our world changed forever when I heard the words, “Lara, you have breast cancer.”I was at a salon with 2 year old Wills on my pregnant lap – getting his blond curls trimmed. As tears streamed down my face he placed a pudgy hand on my cheek and asked, “mama, you have a booboo?”This moment changed our life forever. The past nine years have thankfully been filled with more joy than sadness. More laughter than tears. When cancer returned to our life 3 years ago I thought our life as we knew it was over… after months of darkness I made a choice. I choose love over sadness. Hope over fear. Light over darkness.It doesn’t change the fact that I have cancer. But, day in and day out I choose to live my life with hope.I am always emotional on November 9th. But, I thought today would be a celebration of our future and hope over fear in more ways than one.Instead I sit in disbelief that our country elected a narcissistic reality tv star as our president. A man who degrades women, mocks disabled people, deplores differences, encourages anger, stokes fear and divides people. This is who we as a country believe will best lead our country… this is who “reflects us” as a nation… I am numb with disbelief and fear. I have become comfortable with respecting elected officials with different political views than my own... Hello, I have lived in Alabama and Kentucky for the past 13 years. I have really great republican friends! We have different politcal views. However, I never question their fundamental character.I have never had to explain to my children that the way the president talks is not an acceptable way to speak to another person. I have never brought politics into this blog... but I feel so moved today that I had to. This election isn't about politics for me so much as it is about respect, honor, responsibility and compassion. And, my deepest hope is that our country will find a way to unify and move forward in a way that celebrates all that is great about America.As I process the impact this will have on our world I am drawing on the same lessons I’ve learned these past 9 years facing cancer:
- Turn inward rather than lash outward. Find peace.
- Turn heartbreak into something positive
- Love, respect, be kind
- Focus on connections and relationships – be good to each other
- Live in the light, not the darkness
But, first I cry. I always cry on November 9th. Then, I find someone to hug and laugh with.with love and hope, always.Lara