Love is in the .... ER (or I mean AIR)

When I wake up I have a moment right before I open my eyes I can remember the deep happiness we used to have. I wake up feeling strength in my body. But, then I raise my head and the reality comes pounding in. This morning I tried to walk my shaking body into the bathroom but I was so weak that I passed out. I just couldn't stop shaking and felt like laying on the bathroom floor for the day seemed like a great idea. Jay contacted Dr. Williams and he said I needed to get to Emergency.

I was thinking that was overreacting, but once I got there and they started the fluids I was so relieved. Everything checked out fine - just dehydrated, exhaustion and fatigue from radiation. I guess I REALLY need to be patient. Because trying to be strong is really hard when you are weak physically. I am going to just take it day by day. Hoping for strength and appetite and energy soon! Once the fluids gave me a little boost I was determined to make it back to Bennett's Valentines party (which he was really disappointed to hear we might miss).

Figured, I was looking for laughter so might as well go to the happiest school on earth - Second Pres Weekday School. I loved the chance to be there and see him so, so happy! I am feeling ok now. I can't get off the couch, but I can go through Bennett's Valentines party box with him and snuggle with him and share some LOVE!

Hold your loves close today on Valentines and always my friends. Love is so strong and beautiful.

I hug my lovies with a new sense of how precious these moments are.

big love!!
