quick update on appointment today
I've gotten several emails and texts checking in on my appointment today. Just wanted to let everyone know that it went well. I also had a chance to talk with my Alabama oncologist, Dr. Harvey. I've got a great team helping me fight this! The side effects I am experiencing from radiation are all appropriate given my treatment. Which was comforting (however uncomfortable they are)! Dr. Williams even pulled out a book to show me why I am feeling what I am feeling. I am so thankful to have a doctor that takes time and really listens. I don't have an exact plan for my hormone therapy yet. Split opinions between my two doctors. Thinking I will seek one more opinion to help me decide my next step. I figure it wouldn't hurt to have one more doctor look at my case. I have the name of a doctor at Vanderbilt I may go see.I am feeling good enough to go to Atlanta tomorrow - so as long as the ice doesn't stop us... We are outta here! (hopefully there aren't any burglars readying my blog...) I'm going to be sure not to overdo it. They are aware of my situation and won't mind if I have to duck out if not feeling up for everything. I hope it will be a good little get away for our family and a fun opportunity for me and Hope Scarves!I have a PET scan set for 12 weeks from last radiation. This is right before Derby. We already have tickets for Oaks and Derby - so hoping it will be a celebration! If not, it will be a good distraction.I look forward to sharing pictures from Pink Power Mom Celebration in Atlanta!good night!Lara