I woke up this morning to the sounds of the boys rustling around for their early morning hunting departure. My heart was filled with gratitude as Jay leaned over the bed to kiss my cheek. “Happy Thanksgiving” he whispered.
As I snuggled under the warm comforter for a couple more cozy minutes I remembered a word I learned from my friend Emily. Emily died two years ago this week after a long, painful, but also love filled experience facing leukemia. In the days leading up to her death, Emily was fond of calling this holiday, Thanksliving.
So, today as we pause to share gratitude, especially this year when so much is harder, may we celebrate this idea of Thanksliving. How are we living out our gratitude and choosing joy each day?
In a time when so much is lost - being together with friends & family, jobs, health security, trips, school, sports, traditions and most importantly hundreds of thousands of loved ones… it is important to remember that if we look at our lives from the perspective of what is missing we will forever be trapped in scarcity. We can’t change the reality of the pandemic and the immense importance of following guidelines to keep each other safe. While restrictions are frustrating, they are critical to saving lives, sustaining our economy and returning to a place of “normalcy.” It’s not easy. But, it is necessary and a sign of love to make these sacrifices.
What happens when we look at our current reality not from a place of loss but from a place of gratitude? What is still here for us on this day of thanks? Right here, today?
It might be smaller, quieter, simpler…
I give thanks for the sunrise. For my first breath of this new day.
I give thanks for healthcare workers, worn weary and tired from this pandemic. For essential frontline workers who aren’t safely snuggled in their warm beds this morning. For educators trying to keep students learning and engaged. For researchers trying to help us face this virus and find a vaccine.
I am grateful for everyone who makes sacrifices for the common good. (Hooray for masks!)
I am grateful for the love of family, friends & strangers who encourage me to keep living a great story.
I am grateful for sunshine that warms my face, for spontaneous laughter and peace in my heart.
I am grateful for my new baby niece, Naomi.
I am grateful, not because of abundance or the absence of struggle, but because as we approach life with Thanksliving - we recognize how fragile and precious and miraculous it all is.
Today, let’s not just say the words. Let’s live with thanks.
Happy Thanksliving everyone!
“Happy Thanksliving!”
Oh, and… we did the family photos - oh yeah!