Easy being green
Today as i hustled out the door to get the boys to school I spilled my entire "green machine" smoothie all over myself, car, computer bag, etc... This would have really irked me a couple months ago. But, this morning it made me laugh out loud. I am living my life- one fabulous messy day at a time. It's not easy toface this new diagnosis. I am scared of the unknown. I yearn for the easy laughter and carefree joy I see in other people. But I am figuring out how to live within this new reality. I am loving each day, each breath and each hug. I'm even loving the sloppy green slime in my cup holders.
I particularly loved when I was about to walk Bennett into kindergarten and he said, "mommy- do you think you can take off that gross sweatshirt." "Sure babe" I said and took his hand with a smile.
Love to you and joy... one fabulous messy day at a time.