sweet silly moments

I've been doing this week on my own because Jay had to fly to Finland for a couple days. (just like the good ol' days!) It has been really nice to just "do" life- make breakfast, ask the boys 5 times to brush their teeth, clean up puppy puddles, pack lunch boxes, etc... These are the everyday moments of life. Moments I cherish so much deeper now. I've decided a couple things:

1. We are not using the word terminal when we talk about my diagnosis. I am not dying from this disease right now. I am living with this disease.

2. We are living each day in joy. If you see me around town please just laugh and talk with me like normal. I appreciate the hugs and concern. but no more tilted head, sad eye greetings.

3. We have a lot of people's stuff I will never be able to find the owner to- Tupperware, pots, children's clothing you let the boys borrow, etc... If we have something of yours please text me and l will look for it.

4. This is my sincere thank you to all those who have sent gifts, meals, flowers. I am usually really good at thank you notes. But, not this time. Please know we are grateful for your support.

5. I am living with stage IV metastatic breast cancer. Living!! We won't really know more about my disease progression or stabilization until a pet scan at the end of April. Pain will also be my guide- if I start having pain we know we have a problem. But, for now, I am pain free!!

6. We are going to the Florida keys for spring break in a couple weeks. We are not taking cancer with us. Just our family of four, lots of healthy food, bathing suits and some fishing poles.
