Today was an emotional day to say the least. I spent the morning with Bennett in his kindergarten class, just sitting in wonder of the little miracle who I felt kick inside me the first time I heard the words, "you have cancer." So filled with joy to see the kind, smart, witty little boy he has become.
Read MoreMy heart is heavy as I reflect on the life and loss of my friend Sandra Fleeks.
Read MoreTomorrow will be an overwhelming day. I will be attending my friend Sandra's visitation with several other friends from Hope Scarves. I look forward to telling her mom and daughter how much she meant to me as an example of how to live with stage iv breast cancer, not hide from it or dwell in the sadness. Yet, I know getting these words out is going to be very hard.
Read MoreThis past weekend was a beautiful weekend in my life and for Hope Scarves. Our first Derby Festival marathon team competed with 16,000 other runners as team "Outrunning Cancer!"
Read MoreIt was only Monday that we were eating breakfast with sand between our toes, but it seems like so much longer! The boys transitioned back to school great - eager to share their shells and stories with friends. I have had a little bit harder time this week.
Read MoreWe are having an amazing spring break adventure together as a family. We returned for the 4th year in a row to Hawks Cay resort in Florida keys. This place holds so many great memories, experiences and firsts for all of us. This year is no different
Read MoreI've been doing this week on my own because Jay had to fly to Finland for a couple days. (just like the good ol' days!) It has been really nice to just "do" life- make breakfast, ask the boys 5 times to brush their teeth, clean up puppy puddles, pack lunch boxes, etc... These are the everyday moments of life.
Read MoreToday as i hustled out the door to get the boys to school I spilled my entire "green machine" smoothie all over myself, car, computer bag, etc... This would have really irked me a couple months ago. But, this morning it made me laugh out loud.
Read MoreJust wanted to send a quick update to let those who care about us know how things are going. I am putting together a team of people to help me become as strong as I can to fight this disease- oncologist, nutritionist, counselor, energy work, yoga instructor.
Read MoreSomeone sent me a quote that really spoke to me - "Hope is the power of being cheerful in the circumstances you know to be desperate." G.K. ChestertonI've been struggling with this - finding joy with a stage IV cancer diagnosis.
Read MoreI'm home and resting in my comfy bed with some good tunes and a smoothie. Jay is taking good care of me and making me feel so loved. Thanks for all the prayers and thoughts today.
Read MoreI have a love / hate relationship with my ovaries. They brought us the two most amazing blessing of our lives - Wills & Bennett. But, as it turns out they also brought me cancer.
Read MoreOne of the biggest things I have had to do over the past 6 weeks is accept the reality that I have stage IV cancer. Accept the reality that doctors don't know how to cure this disease and don't necessarily agree how to treat it.
Read MoreToday was a good day... again! I am learning to laugh again and hug my three boys (Jay included) without crying. I am learning to be happy for the simple idea of being happy- without feeling like as soon as I laugh I have to remember - duh, you have stage 4 breast cancer.
Read MoreI am working really hard at finding peace in my body, mind and spirit. I can't say I made it through the day without crying and feeling overwhelmed. But, I can say that I laughed and that felt really good.
Read MoreWhen I got the news about my pathology in 2007 I was standing in the McWane Science Center parking deck. I heard the words “cancer has metastasized to your sentinel lymph node” and I felt my world crumbling around me as I felt our unborn child kick inside me.
Read MoreWhen I wake up I have a moment right before I open my eyes I can remember the deep happiness we used to have. I wake up feeling strength in my body. But, then I raise my head and the reality comes pounding in. This morning I tried to walk my shaking body into the bathroom but I was so weak that I passed out.
Read MoreIt's been a rough couple days. The worst yet actually.
I think it is a combination of factors - first I was coming off such a high from Atlanta and thinking I was feeling good and getting back on track with life and Hope Scarves.
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