
Tomorrow will be an overwhelming day. I will be attending my friend Sandra's visitation with several other friends from Hope Scarves. I look forward to telling her mom and daughter how much she meant to me as an example of how to live with stage iv breast cancer, not hide from it or dwell in the sadness. Yet, I know getting these words out is going to be very hard.

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sweet silly moments

I've been doing this week on my own because Jay had to fly to Finland for a couple days. (just like the good ol' days!) It has been really nice to just "do" life- make breakfast, ask the boys 5 times to brush their teeth, clean up puppy puddles, pack lunch boxes, etc... These are the everyday moments of life.

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One of the biggest things I have had to do over the past 6 weeks is accept the reality that I have stage IV cancer. Accept the reality that doctors don't know how to cure this disease and don't necessarily agree how to treat it.

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a toast to today

Today was a good day... again! I am learning to laugh again and hug my three boys (Jay included) without crying. I am learning to be happy for the simple idea of being happy- without feeling like as soon as I laugh I have to remember - duh, you have stage 4 breast cancer.

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